Multilateral Development Banks: Catalysts for Global Development


MDBs play a pivotal role in global finance, addressing developmental challenges

MDBs Defined

MDBs are international institutions that provide financial support and professional advice for development activities.

Key MDB Players

World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, and more

Private Financing Drive

MDBs urged to raise private financing by USD 500 billion by 2030.

Collaboration is Key

MDBs should collaborate more, share tools, and recognize each other's standards

Collaboration is Key

MDBs should collaborate more, share tools, and recognize each other's standards

Accountability Through KPIs

MDBs to be accountable through Key Performance Indicators

The Report's Vision

Aim for transformational change in countries, addressing both national & global priorities


MDBs: Steering the helm of global development, making a brighter future possible.
